February is Dental Health Month

February is Dental Health Month

February is here, and it’s National Pet Dental Health Month! Just like us, pets can suffer from dental issues, and keeping their teeth clean is key to making sure they stay happy and healthy for years to come.

Did you know that dental disease is one of the most common health problems in pets? In fact, by the age of three, over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of dental disease.

From bad breath to tooth decay, gum disease, and even more serious conditions like infections, taking care of your pet's teeth is very important. Not only does it keep their smile looking great, but it also contributes to their overall health and well-being. This dental health month for pets is the perfect reminder to show your pets just how much you care by focusing on their dental health.

Why Is Pet Dental Health So Important?

Pets need regular oral care. If left unchecked, dental diseases can cause severe health problems that extend beyond your pet’s mouth. For example, bacteria from untreated gum disease can enter the bloodstream, potentially affecting the heart, kidneys, and liver.

Catching these issues early is the best way to prevent these complications and keep your pet feeling their best. In honor of this pet dental health month, here are a few ways to care for their dental health.

1. Brush Their Teeth Regularly Yes, you can brush your pet’s teeth! Regular brushing with a pet-safe toothbrush and toothpaste is one of the best ways to keep their teeth clean. It helps reduce plaque buildup, preventing tartar and gingivitis from forming.
2. Offer Dental Treats and Chews Dental chews and treats are a fun way to keep your pet’s teeth clean while satisfying their natural chewing instincts. Look for products that are designed to promote oral health and have the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) seal of approval.
3. Check for Signs of Dental Problems Watch for common signs of dental disease, including bad breath, difficulty eating, swollen or bleeding gums, and excessive drooling. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s time to call your veterinarian.
4. Schedule a Professional Dental Cleaning Even with regular home care, your pet will still benefit from professional cleanings. A veterinarian can perform a thorough cleaning, removing tartar and plaque that can be difficult to reach on your own with a toothbrush.

Meet Our Veterinary Dentist!


At Pet Specialists of Hawaii, we’re proud to have Dr. Marika Constantaras on our team, a specialist in veterinary dentistry and oral surgery. Dr. Constantaras has extensive experience in helping pets with all their dental needs, from routine cleanings to more complex surgeries. Her expertise ensures your pet receives the best care possible to maintain a healthy mouth and overall health.

You can learn more about Dr. Constantaras and her services here.



Celebrate Pet Dental Health Month with Pet Specialists of Hawaii

This month, let’s focus on giving our pets the care they deserve with a special focus on their dental health. Regular dental care can make a major difference in the quality of life for your pet, so don’t wait—start brushing, check their teeth, and book an appointment with Pet Specialists of Hawaii today!

For expert dental care and consultations, learn more about the services at Pet Specialists of Hawaii. We’re here to keep those tails wagging and those smiles shining bright.


  • https://www.avma.org/events/national-pet-dental-health-month

  • https://www.scirp.org/reference/referencespapers?referenceid=2610084

  • https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/state-of-pet-dental-health-significantmajority-of-us-dogs-and-cats-have-oral-health-issues-302063737.html

  • https://vohc.org/

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