February Is National Pet Dental Health Month

February Is National Pet Dental Health Month

Being attentive to your pet’s dental health is one of the most integral elements of pet care. Unfortunately, many pet owners do not recognize how crucial dental care is to their pet’s well-being until a pet experiences severe pain, infection, or tooth loss. National Pet Dental Health Month brings attention to this vital area of pets’ health and wellness. This February, learn about veterinary dentistry and evaluate the efficacy of your current dental care regimen.

Why Is Dental Health a Concern in Pet Care?

There are some old misconceptions about pets’ dental health that are still surprisingly prevalent today. Some owners tend to think that pets’ mouths just take care of themselves. You may have heard, for example, that “a dog’s mouth is the cleanest part of its body.” Nevertheless, if you have ever smelled the average dog’s breath, you know that cannot really be the case.

Animals' mouths need to be cleaned just as humans’ do. The bacteria that can accumulate from food debris can easily lead to infection and decay. The infection that pets experience can cause unwellness that goes far beyond the site of a dental infection and cause extreme illness. Decay resulting from inadequate dental care can lead to cavities, tooth loss, and bone loss.

Dental issues can cause acute pain and discomfort, and they can also have a serious impact on a pet’s ability to carry out daily activities. Pets may have difficulty eating if they are suffering from an infection or they have experienced tooth loss. Likewise, oral discomfort can interfere with animals’ ability to groom themselves, which they need to do to feel clean and content.

What Should Pet Owners Do to Care for Their Pets’ Dental Health?

One of the best ways to safeguard your pet’s dental health is brushing. The frequency with which you need to brush depends on your pet’s individual needs and dietary habits. In general, it is good to get pets into the habit of having their teeth brushed early on in life so they will not find it particularly objectionable. If your pet is not thrilled about the process, treats can be an effective motivational tool to sit still while you help him or her to open wide for gentle brushing.

Be sure to use dental health tools that are designed for pets and not people. The brushes that people use on their pets’ teeth need to be safe and effective to clean an animal’s mouth. Also, toothpaste that is specially formulated for pets is typically safe if it is ingested in small quantities. The flavor of toothpaste for pets is usually very palatable, which can make your furry family member more agreeable about brushing.

You can also use dental treats to clean teeth and freshen breath. These types of treats have a porous material that rubs up and down against pets’ teeth as they chew to loosen and remove tartar buildup.

How Can a Veterinarian Treat Your Pet’s Dental Health?

Even when people practice great home care to take care of their teeth, they still need to see the dentist periodically for preventive care. The same is true of pets. A dental exam should be part of every wellness visit to make sure that your pet doesn’t have any problems developing.

Pets will commonly need a professional cleaning at some point, particularly as they get older. During a cleaning, a pet is put under general sedation while a veterinarian scales plaque and tartar buildup. Pet Hospitals of Hawaii’s veterinary dental specialist, Dr. Marika Constantaras, can help you assess your pet’s dental needs and form a comprehensive care plan.

If an infection has grown persistent or a pet’s teeth have sustained considerable damage, it may be necessary to perform one or more extractions. No owner wants to hear that their pet’s teeth will need to be removed, but having this procedure done can offer your pet sorely needed relief. 

During Dental Health Awareness Month, reflect on the importance of your pet’s dental care. Schedule an appointment with Pet Hospitals of Hawaii to arrange for a dental exam for your furry family member. Bear in mind that pets can’t manage their own dental hygiene, and they can’t tell you when something is wrong. Your pet is counting on you to provide thorough dental care. 

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