When you have to contend with an emergency, you need to be prepared to act quickly. Your emergency preparedness plan has to include everyone in your family, including pets. Some careful planning will help assure that you will be able to take care of your pet in an emergency.
Unfortunately, many pets get lost during emergencies. People need to evacuate in moments, and the commotion of extreme weather can frighten pets and send them running. Be sure that your pet is wearing identification tags with your contact information. You should also have your pet microchipped and register the chip’s information in the national database.
If you need to evacuate, having what you need to take your pet with you is critical. Depending on what type of pet you have, you may need a carrier or a harness. Bring along the supplies that your pet will need to stay healthy and comfortable.
Emergency announcements can create a frenzied rush to get supplies. It is important that you remember supplies for your pet as well. Your pet needs enough food and water to last as long as you expect to have to stay indoors. If your pet has any prescription medications, make it a point to get more if you are running low.
You may need to administer first aid to your pet until you can access veterinary care. Your kit should include bandages, antibacterial ointment, and digestive remedies.
Your pet is always counting on you to keep him or her safe. During an emergency, your pet is counting on you more than ever. Put some thought into the logistics of caring for your pet in an emergency. Advance planning and attentive care will help you look after your furry family member.