Learn Why Pandas Are Special This National Panda Day

Learn Why Pandas Are Special This National Panda Day

Pandas are some of the most beloved animals on Earth. Their playful fur pattern, big black eyes and cuddly, charismatic demeanor make them impossible to dislike. There is more to pandas than their cuteness, though. Check out these five ways that pandas are special to celebrate National Panda Day this March 16.

1. Pandas Are Vulnerable to Extinction

Pandas have historically been an endangered species, so much so that when the World Wildlife Foundation was created, it chose a panda for its logo. Because of the incredible efforts of the WWF and many other activists and organizations over the years, pandas have recently been moved from their "endangered" status to the less critical "vulnerable" status. Although there are estimated to be only around 2,000 pandas left on the planet, this number is steadily growing.

2. There Are Different Kinds of Pandas

When most people think of pandas, they think of the quintessential giant panda, a large and loveable black and white creature who likes to laze and cuddle about munching on bamboo. Giant pandas aren't the only type of panda, though.

The Qinling panda is a subspecies of panda and is very rare. Instead of black and white fur, the Qinling panda has brown and white fur and lacks the giant panda's signature fur pattern.

3. They Help Bamboo Grow

Though pandas are able to eat meat, they prefer bamboo and play an important part in helping it grow. This is because their eating patterns help spread bamboo seeds around throughout the land so that new bamboo can grow.

4. They Take Eating Very Seriously

Pandas do not mess around when it comes to mealtime. In fact, pandas do nothing but eat for roughly 14 hours a day! Because they expend so little energy, they are able to maintain their weight by eating enormous amounts of bamboo every day.

5. You Can "Adopt" Them Online

If you want to help pandas but are unsure of how to do so, there is a very fun way you can accomplish this. Different organizations allow you to symbolically adopt a panda to help with costs associated with panda conservation efforts. Simply sign up online.

Although irresistibly cute, pandas do not make good pets, so stick to symbolic adoptions. Let us handle the needs of all of your already adopted pets by scheduling an appointment with Pet Hospitals of Hawaii today.


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