Ultrasounds for Your Dog or Cat: How Detecting Abnormalities Could Save Your Pet’s Life

Ultrasounds for Your Dog or Cat: How Detecting Abnormalities Could Save Your Pet’s Life

You may have felt a lump under your dog's skin, or your aging cat might be acting irritable as she loses control of her bladder. Should you call the vet? Pet ownership, while it has its ups and downs, has not prepared you for this concerning incident. Read on to discover what the benefits of pet ultrasonography, how different types of abnormalities can be detected, and how this type of scan might save your best pet friend’s life.

What Is a Pet Ultrasound?

An ultrasound, for any living creature, can be used to diagnose internal abnormalities by using sound waves to create images that will be seen on a screen. They are used to take a peek at everything from developing babies in their mothers’ wombs to ill pets' growths, tumors, and various body parts such as the heart, bladder, lymph nodes, or kidneys. If your pet has received abnormal test results, or if he or she is displaying signs of a specific disease that might necessitate an investigation, your vet may recommend that you do more testing, which can include taking pictures of your pets' affected body parts with ultrasonography.

Which Abnormalities Can Be Detected?

Perhaps the most important type of ultrasound that can be performed on a pet is an echocardiogram, which is a scan of your pet’s heart to determine how well it is functioning. This can help your vet to decide if they should put your pet on heart medication. If your pet shows signs of frequent UTIs, blood in urine, or kidney disease, your vet might order an ultrasound of your pet’s urinary tract. Further tests, such as biopsies and exploratory surgeries may be scheduled at this point; all decisions will depend on your pet's age, its diagnosis, and your vet's recommendations.

Who Will Perform the Ultrasound and What Will it Be Like?

Ultrasounds are not painful, and best of all, you can usually hold your pet during the procedure to provide him or her with extra comfort. Usually, the practitioner — which can be a general practice veterinarian or a specialist — performing the ultrasound will shave the fur over the area he or she will be scanning. You may have to withhold food and water from your pet for a specified time period (usually throughout the night before the scan) so the best quality images can be obtained.

Pet ultrasonography could be the key to ensuring that your pet lives for many more healthy years. If you can tell that your pet is suffering but you are not sure why, do not wait until it’s too late. Ask your veterinarian if your dog or cat would benefit from an ultrasound, and schedule an appointment with Pet Hospital of Hawaii today.


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