What to Expect When You Take Your Dog for an X-Ray

What to Expect When You Take Your Dog for an X-Ray

Every pet owner should ensure their furry friend is in good health and is living a happy life. Part of doing so may entail taking X-rays. An X-ray helps diagnose different conditions, including tumors, fractures, or foreign bodies. 


An X-ray image can show the density of the tissues inside the body. The denser tissues appear white, while the less dense ones appear black or gray. The difference allows veterinarians to identify many abnormalities. Imagining having your furry friend take an X-ray can be a stressful experience. But knowing what to expect can help you prepare.






Before taking your furry friend for an X-ray, it is vital to prepare them first. Ensure they are clean and well-groomed. It prepares your dog to feel comfortable getting handled by someone else.

Tell your veterinarian of any medications your dog is taking. Tell them of any medical conditions they may have. Doing so will help the veterinarian determine the best course of action for your dog’s X-ray. 


For example, if your dog takes medication that can affect its heart rate, your vet may need extra precautions during the X-ray. It is also vital to prepare yourself for the X-ray. It may involve filling out paperwork or discussing the procedure with the X-ray technician or the veterinarian.






The veterinarian will begin by physically examining your dog before performing the X-ray. It will help them assess your dog’s health and determine the best course of action for the X-ray. They may ask about your pet’s medical history. 


Once the veterinarian determines that an X-ray is necessary, your furry friend will be placed on an X-ray table. The technician will position your dog to get the best possible image. They may manipulate its body or limbs in different positions.


Your dog may need to remain still during the X-ray. Your veterinarian may use anesthesia or sedation to keep your dog still or in one position. It will also minimize the chances of injury during the procedure.






X-rays are generally considered safe, but they can have some risks. The most significant one is radiation exposure. The amount of radiation used is small, but repeated exposure can increase your chances of developing health problems like cancer.


Another risk of X-rays is injury from falling off the X-ray table or platform or from sudden movements during the procedure. Anesthesia or sedation can also carry risks if your dog has underlying medical conditions.






Your dog will need monitoring for a short period to ensure they recover from any anesthesia or sedation. Your veterinarian may give you aftercare instructions, such as administering medication or limiting your dog’s activity.






The cost of an X-ray for dogs depends on factors such as the type of X-ray, veterinary clinic location, and additional procedures or tests necessary. Review your policy if you have pet insurance to see if it covers pet X-rays. Discussing the cost with your veterinarian before the procedure is vital to ensure you prepare for any expenses.


For more about taking your dog for an x-ray, visit Pet Hospitals of Hawaii at our offices in Waipahu, Wahiawa, or Kailua, Hawaii. Call (808) 671-7387, (808) 621-7000, or (808) 262-9621 to book an appointment today.

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