Why Sharks Deserve Some Love on Shark Awareness Day

Why Sharks Deserve Some Love on Shark Awareness Day

People all over the world know Hawaii for its gorgeous scenery and fascinating wildlife. Of the many sea creatures that call Hawaii's waters home, few are as captivating or as misunderstood as sharks. With Shark Awareness Day coming up on July 14th, take the time to learn more about these creatures and why they deserve our respect and protection.

Sharks Are Ancient

Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years, meaning they predate the dinosaurs. The remarkable adaptations of sharks allowed them to survive mass extinction events and dramatic changes to our planet. While their cartilage skeletons do not leave fossils, fossilized shark teeth offer a glimpse into their past.

Sharks Are Vital

Ocean health is a hot topic lately and for a good reason. Threats like climate change, overfishing, and marine pollution dramatically impact oceans all over the world. Sharks play a vital role in maintaining ocean health by serving as apex predators. They feed on sick and dying marine life, helping to clean the ocean and prevent diseases from spreading. They need protection so they can continue playing their crucial ecological role. 

Sharks Are Diverse

Sharks come in many shapes and sizes and have a variety of physical and behavioral characteristics. The smallest are about 5 inches long, and the largest exceed 30 feet in length. While many eat larger marine life like fish and seals, some, like the whale shark, feed exclusively on tiny plankton. 

Sharks reproduce in different ways, too. Some give birth to live pups while others lay egg cases on the ocean floor. Other species develop eggs that hatch inside the mother before the pups are born.

Shark Attacks Are Rare

Movies and television have given sharks a reputation as fierce, mindless maneaters. Although some larger sharks, like the tiger sharks spotted in Hawaiian waters, can be aggressive toward humans, most sharks are not. Out of the hundreds of known shark species, only about a dozen are known to attack people.

Appreciate Sharks the Right Way

Hawaiians are fortunate to have many opportunities to observe these creatures safely. Boat tours, guided diving trips, and aquarium visits offer wonderful ways to see and interact with various sharks. Some shark lovers try to keep them as pets, but this is not recommended. If you are looking for a unique pet, ask the staff at Pet Hospitals of Hawaii about all the delightful and responsible options in the world of exotic pets.


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