Animals bring an immense amount of joy to the lives of humans. Even setting aside their contributions as companions, their presence on the planet is integral to the complex web of life on Earth, providing essential ecological stability in a volatile world.
This December 10, you and your family can show how much you care by celebrating International Animal Rights Day. The holiday is designed as a reminder to treat animals with kindness and to eschew cruelty, to better life for all living beings.
Below, consider a few different ways you and your family can honor animal rights.
Many communities across the country have local animal shelters that are often in need of help. These organizations tend to be under-staffed and under-funded, and some in-person help can make a major difference in improving conditions for the animals and the staffs. Best of all, it is a great way to make some new animal friends with your family!
If you cannot make the time to volunteer in person, there are always countless animal rights-focused organizations that will benefit from a donation of any amount. Whether an international group working towards conservation, or a local shelter or animal rights group, there are countless possibilities that can make great recipients for funds.
On International Animal Rights Day, you can have a family conversation about the importance of protecting animals. Watching a documentary, reading a book or magazine, or visiting the local zoo or aquarium are all great options for educating children on the importance of animals.
Of course, one of the most important ways to honor animals is to give your pets the best care possible. Pet Hospitals of Hawaii offers the depth of care to ensure your animals are healthy and happy. Visit Pet Hospitals of Hawaii online or stop in today!