What to Do After Microchipping Your Pet

What to Do After Microchipping Your Pet

If you have ever had a pet get lost or stolen, you know that it is a devastating experience. While having your pet microchipped is not a guarantee that he will be returned to you, it can help significantly with the identification and return of lost pets. However, the efficacy of an ID chip depends on maintaining accurate registration information.

August 15 is National Check the Chip Day, a joint effort by the American Animal Hospital Association and the American Veterinary Association to remind pet owners to not only have their pet microchipped but to register the chip and keep the record up to date.

What Information Does the ID Chip Contain?

Contrary to what many people think, your pet's microchip does not contain your name and contact information, nor a GPS for tracking the pet. Rather, it contains a unique identification number that corresponds with an entry in a database maintained by the chip's manufacturer. The database entry should contain your contact information, although this is not automatic.

Most manufacturers' databases are connected to the AAHA's Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool. When the unique identification number is obtained by scanning the microchip, it can be entered into this online tool to look up the entry in the manufacturer's database.

What Is the Next Step After Microchipping?

Having the ID chip injected is only the first step. The next thing you need to do is register your information with the manufacturer. Otherwise, when someone scans the chip and retrieves the identification number, all that will turn up is an empty database entry.

Registration is not difficult, but you should take care of it as soon as possible after your pet is microchipped so you don't forget to do it. With the help of your vet, you can fill out a paper form with the necessary information and submit it back to the chip manufacturer for entry into the database. Some manufacturers also allow you to register online, which provides instant confirmation that the registration was successful. Then retain your pet's microchip number and the manufacturer's phone number for future reference.

What If the Information Changes?

As long as your contact information remains the same, you do not need to worry about your pet's microchip. However, if you move or change your phone number, you need to contact the manufacturer to update the information. This is a simple matter as long as you still have the manufacturer's phone number and your pet's microchip number. If you no longer have this information, you may need to have the chip read to retrieve it.

Pet Hospitals of Hawaii can assist you with the initial registration of your pet's ID chip as well as updating the record as needed. Find out more about all the services we offer.


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